Passionate about Fitness? Try a New Gym Start Up

For people passionate about fitness and business, nothing could seem better than a new gym start up. But when the rubber meets the road, starting your own gym could be harder than you think. Depending on the market in your city, there is probably a lot more to having a successful gym then opening the doors of a new gym and people just flooding in and signing up. If you have plans to create a new gym or have a gym start up that is struggling, you need to contact us at Fitness Management & Consulting.

Fitness Management & Consulting is made up of Jim Thomas, a fitness industry consultant who has been featured on a number of new networks like ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox News. Through his consulting business, you can start your own gym with a number of unique advantages. To start, there are no royalties or franchise fees like you would encounter opening a gym through a franchise. Sure, a franchise comes with an established brand. But it is important to do the research and see what percentage of your revenue would have to give back to the parent company. The earning potential is a lot greater when you open your own gym.

Using Fitness Management & Consulting, you pay for the services you want, but aren’t stuck paying monthly royalties. Need equipment, sales training, or general advice and consulting? Pay for those services, not for more. For more information on how Fitness Management & Consulting can help you start your own gym, contact us today.

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