Operational Analysis and Troubleshooting

A MAJOR KEY : Operational Analysis & Gym Troubleshooting

The Operational Analysis is the key ingredient in our Recipe for Success.

Before undertaking a project for any of our clients, we recommend that FMC conduct an Operational Analysis. This affordable, impartial snapshot of the overall operation allows you to see things you could be missing because of how close you are to the business. It includes a look at the entire operation, from the front desk, to sales and marketing, to facilities, and service. Our report highlights those areas that need improvement and includes specific recommendations to fix the problem areas.

The Operational Analysis also allows us to get to know each other before taking on any long-term projects. Our analysis of your business would determine whether we should work together on a short-term, or an ongoing basis.

One of our representatives will be happy to talk with you about your particular situation. We will then submit a written proposal for your project, including all areas to be covered and a firm price quote. There is no cost or obligation for this initial recommendation. Give us a call, or e-mail us today, and we’ll get started immediately! Follow me on LinkedIn

Here’s what others say:

I wanted to take a minute to thank you for the excellent content you’re sharing. There are a lot of “wanna-be” consultants out there sporadically sharing their version of the way the Fitness world should work. I find many limited to the one success they had in a limited corner of the fitness world. The consistent quality in a wide breadth of our industry you share is impressive. You’re experience, maturity, diligence in content creation is appreciated.

I share most of your philosophies and enjoy being reminded of many things I once knew and practiced regularly. It’s funny what 40 years of new and relentlessly changing information does to one’s priorities. It is refreshing, and I’m enjoying re-learning many of the basics with your twist on evolution.     

Thank You,

Scott G.

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