Money Movers, Inc.

With over 25 years of experience in the banking and credit card industry, along with our Online Business Manager Software solution, Money Movers has the know-how to help you manage every aspect of your membership business.

Easy Conversion

Upgrade your system with our turn-key solution.

  • Learn the OBM system quickly and easily with the help of our friendly tech staff and online tutorials.
  • Keep your parent bank and merchant accounts and avoid the time-consuming paperwork necessary to apply to a new bank.
  • Already have software? No problem. Use your current software and integrate with the Money Movers, Inc. Gateway for back end low cost processing.

Cloud Based Software

  • Full Member Management
  • Online Contracts
  • Member Portal
  • Access Pass App with Barcode Check-in
  • Personal training module with web-based public facing calendar which includes billing, orientation, scheduler, trainer payment dispute resolution, group training.
  • Collection Service Interface
  • Simple POS Module
  • Gatekeeper, our 24 Hour Access Control Device.

E-Commerce Solutions

  • Custom Websites
  • Web-based integrated sales and promos
  • Guest Sign-in
  • Prospecting System and Sales Portal
  • Access Pass for Mobile and Online Promos and Sales
  • Targeted Social Media Marketing
  • Email and texting capability for marketing, specials or past due members

Gatekeeper, our 24-hour access control device, provides a convenient and secure way for members to access your facilities. No need for key fobs. This device will work with existing key

Money Movers is the developer and back end processor for the NIHCArewards Insurance Reimbursement System

Designed for Fitness and Health Clubs, Community Centers, Studios, and Personal Trainers


Contact us at MoneyMovers, Inc.

(800) 861-5029

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