Growing your Fitness Center Business Online with Social Proof

Are you looking for ways of growing your fitness center business online? If you have researched online marketing, you may have come across the phrase “social proof.” Many online marketing experts describe this as “new marketing,” but it is no such thing. Social proof has been used by companies, in their marketing messages, for as long as there have been businesses. What is it? Essentially, it using the power of the crowd to show the value of your service.

Imagine for a moment the McDonald’s fast food chain. We have all driven past their signs proclaiming, “billions of hamburgers served”. This small statement is a form of social proof, telling people that their hamburgers are so good that billions have been eaten. Unconsciously, many consumers will presume that if so many people have enjoyed these hamburgers, they must be good. People look for social proof throughout the day, every day, to help make and inform decisions, and you can use this tool on your website, growing your personal training business online.

Adding Social Proof to your Personal Training Website

1. Testimonials and Reviews –  While you can brag about how good your fitness center is, client testimonials and reviews are far more powerful. The fact is, your prospects will respect the opinions of strangers as more truthful and authentic than your own marketing message.

2. Before and After Photos – Many businesses provide some kind of online portfolio to show off their work. As a fitness center, there is no greater proof of your ability than before and after photos, showing off success stories and satisfied customers.

3. Client Numbers – Much like McDonald’s proclaiming “billions of hamburgers served”, showing off how many clients your fitness center has helped over the years is a powerful social proof tool.

4. Blogging and Vlogging – Writing articles and created videos are powerful forms of online marketing. Firstly, it builds trust and authority as you show off the knowledge and experience of your fitness trainers. However, when website visitors add comments, ask questions, and provide social shares, it adds social proof and validates their expertise.

What haven’t we covered yet that is important to you? If you would like to talk more about growing your fitness center business online, or need more information, please contact us.

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