Fitness Club Marketing Idea: Incorporate Video – Part 2

In Part 1 of this two-part series on fitness club marketing ideas, we discussed demonstrating fitness equipment and conducting a video tour of your facility. Here in Part 2, we’ll cover the tips 3 and 4 on using video to market your business.

3. Encourage clients to post live Facebook videos.

As you continue to foster a friendship with your clients, you can enlist their help in attracting even more new clients. One effective way to do this is to encourage them to post live Facebook videos of themselves using the equipment and interacting with the staff and other patrons. Of course, many people are self-conscious about their physical appearance, so you might have to provide an incentive for them to post a video. Offering a monthly prize or other bonus for the Facebook video with the most likes or shares is one idea. For others, just ask some of your clients what it would take for them to post such a live video. There might be a goldmine in one of their answers.

4. Publish a Vlog on YouTube.

A vlog (aka. video blog) is simply a blog that contains primarily video content. Video publishing sites like YouTube enable people to express themselves in a whole new way. Virtually anyone can create and publish their own show where they sit down in front of their web cameras and record themselves talking about anything from politics to pop culture . Then they upload the video to their YouTube channel, and share it with the world. Of course, the difference between a vlog and a television talk show is that the vlog can be viewed by anybody, anywhere, anytime. Vlogs also cost much less to produce.

You can get started vlogging by posting your equipment demonstration and facility tour videos. Then, on a regularly scheduled basis, create and post other videos that are relevant to your existing and prospective clients. These could include interviews with fitness and dietary experts, and stretching and other exercise videos that people can use at home on those occasions when they can’t make it to the gym. For more ideas, consult your staff and current clients. You’ll be amazed at the number of great ideas you’ll get.

If you’re thinking that publishing a vlog would be more trouble than it’s worth, consider this: More than a billion people visit YouTube every month, and more than seven billion videos are viewed every day. Of course, you’ll want to do it right or it probably will be a waste of time. To bend the learning curve in your favor, check out this comprehensive piece on how to create a successful vlog. That will help you get off on the right foot.

In a world where other fitness businesses are using the same old ideas and tactics to attract new clients, you can differentiate your facility by incorporating video and H2H marketing. Contact us today for more help with your inbound marketing strategy.

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