When it comes to fitness center marketing, it might seem like there isn’t a lot of variety. Social media, radio and TV commercials, and fliers are all fairly standard modes of marketing in this industry, so how can you market your fitness club in a way that stands out from the competition? Here are a few ideas that are sure to catch the attention of potential clients and get them in your doors:
Corporate memberships
Corporations are recognizing the benefit of having healthy employees, and many insurance companies are cutting companies a break on their premiums when they offer gym memberships to their employees. Use this information to solicit corporate memberships from nearby companies. Offer a discounted group rate, and make sure to tailor group fitness classes at convenient times for companies, such as before work, lunchtime, and early evening so that employees can workout together.
Make local connections
Work with neighboring businesses to help each other out. For instance, talk to a local spa or health food store and offer to advertise for them if they return the favor. You can each pass out coupons for each other, thereby getting your name out to a larger audience at the same time that you boost the local economy.
Apartment complexes are another avenue to reach out to, particularly ones that don’t have their own in-house facility. Reach out to local apartment complexes and offer a discount rate for residents. This works especially well if your fitness center is located walking distance or just a short drive away from an apartment complex or two. (And if you’re just starting up, this is something to consider when you’re figuring out your location).
When it comes to fitness center marketing, the key is to think big. Every membership counts, and if you can get a large amount of memberships from corporations, apartment residents, and by connecting with other local businesses, you are more likely to have a steady stream of members. For more ideas on marketing or to find out how Fitness Management & Consulting can help you market your fitness center, contact us.