Using Affiliate Marketing to Advertise Your Fitness Center

In our modern, digital world, one of the best ways to advertise your gym is over the internet. Along with the usual suspects, such has having a website, buying advertising, and updating your social media channels, affiliate marketing is a great way to increase your gym sales while giving back to members of your gym.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is similar to what we once called commission-based sales or referral fees. In traditional commission selling, a third-party who sold your company’s product or service, or provided a referral to your company, received a percentage of profits from the sale.

In affiliate marketing, we use a digital form of commission marketing. Affiliate marketers receive unique link, which they can paste in their email, social media, or website. Every time a customer buys a gym membership or product using that link, they receive a percentage of the sale. Percentages vary based on the agreement, often ranging from 4% to 20%.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a wonderful way to spread awareness of your gym’s memberships. When your current members receive commissions for selling memberships, they’ll be more motivated to tell their family and friends about how much they love your gym. This leads to increased visibility for your gym online. Affiliate marketers are legally required to disclose the financial relationship when they share your link, however the typical affiliate marketer is an enthusiastic gym member who already loves your facilities.

Spreading the Word to Gym Members

It’s time to let your gym members know about the program so they can become affiliates. You can advertise the program using an online newsletter for members and flyers and word of mouth at the gym. Create a special, password-protected section of your site for members where they can apply to be affiliates and get their own unique link.

Contact us for further assistance advertising and marketing your gym.

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