If you have discovered this blog entry, you are likely a fitness club owner or manager seeking to boost sales and memberships. There is no shortage of online articles with marketing advice. Regardless, many times, it is not an issue of you not doing the right things, it is that you could be doing them better. You just really need to tweak your current processes.
Today’s article provides some proven ideas to improve your sales and membership numbers. An increased membership then means increased sales for the juice bar, personal training, and anything else you are selling at your fitness club.
1. Niche Marketing – In business, there is a concept called the vital few. This is the roughly 20 percent of customers who are responsible for 80 percent of your sales. The idea with niche marketing is identifying the wants and needs of your vital few, and creating marketing material that will appeal to people like them. You will likely have several well-defined groups.
2. Offer More Classes – How many classes is your fitness club offering? One of the biggest complaints by clients is that their fitness club is not offering a large variety of classes. You need to keep your clients motivated. One good way to do that is by providing classes for the types of clients that you are losing.
3. Hire Trainers Who Care – Consumers perceive value based on three things: customer service, quality, and price. Most people are willing to pay more if they are receiving good customer service and have access to quality facilities and equipment. It does not matter if you have the fittest trainers in the area if they are not customer oriented.
4. Have a “Bring Your Friend” Program – Word-of-mouth and referral marketing is one of the best ways to increase sales and memberships. Your core clients have likely been coming to your fitness club for years. When they refer someone, give them a free month or a free class. You will make much more than it costs.
5. Free Memberships – Many fitness clubs offer discount memberships to get clients to sign up initially. However, once you offer a discount, it is very difficult to get that person to ever pay full price. A better option is a free week pass. This gives a prospect the opportunity to try your fitness club without you adding a lower price into your system.
What haven’t we covered yet that is important to you? If you would like to talk about promotions to increase you fitness club sales and memberships, or a related topic, please contact us.