How to Boost Fitness Club Sales This Fall

In the spring and summer, you might find that your fitness club sales really grow. Many people get concerned about their fitness levels when swimsuit season is coming up or when it’s in full swing, so it can be easy to attract people to your gym.

As people settle into their fall routines, however, you might find membership levels and sales declining. Many people get busy when their kids start school again, and no longer having to bare their skin on a regular basis can make it easy for them to slack off on hitting the gym.

Luckily, there are ways that you can boost fitness club sales this fall. Offering child care services or children’s fitness classes in the afternoons can encourage parents to come to the gym after they pick their kids up from school. Aggressively marketing your gym on social media and through more traditional advertising, including with billboards and direct mail, can be a good way to get people through the door. Now is also a good time to start talking about holiday memberships, which people may be interested in buying for their friends and family members.

The truth is that you don’t have to watch your sales start slipping just because people aren’t worried about bathing suit season anymore. As long as you use the right marketing tactics and are willing to make improvements to your fitness center, you can still thrive all year long. To find out more about boosting fitness club sales in the fall and all year long, contact us at Fitness Management & Consulting today.

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