Get Gym Consultants to Help Start Your Business

There is no doubt about it—the fitness industry is in right now. And rightfully so. Americans are trying to focus on their health more than ever. According to a recent fitness industry analysis, 54 million people had a gym membership in 2014 and the average member went over 100 times during that year. With niche gyms thriving and continued focus on fitness from the media, now is the time to start a gym.

If you are looking around your city and see there is room for a new gym, talking with a gym consultant could make all the difference in starting your own business. While it may seem like 54 million gym memberships seems like a lot, the truth is, that is one in six people. That means for every one person with a gym membership, there are five more who might be interested in getting one if they found one that suited them.

How can Fitness Management & Consulting help you? To start, we can help you with financing. Then our real estate team helps you pick a location in your city to get you the maximum profit. Then we use our expertise to help with the build-out and design. Get the look and feel you desire for you gym. We also have access to the best prices on fitness equipment of all brands. We continue to assist you with pre-opening training, opening day support, and continued training.

With Fitness Management & Consulting, you don’t pay any franchise fees or royalties. You just pay for our consulting services which will save you thousands of dollars. For more information about how we can help you start your gym, contact us today.

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