5 Reliable Methods to Attract New Members

The adage, “build it and they will come” is one from a bygone era. Nowadays, business owners must not assume that close proximity alone, will instantaneously draw new membership. Not only do you need creative marketing methods to attract new members, but you need to build relationships to keep them coming back. Below are 5 tried and true methods that gym owners have used to build a thriving business for themselves.

Recognizable Logo

Take the time to research a logo that is customized for your gym. Use bold colors and a logo that is unforgettable. At a loss for what logo will draw in clientele? Don’t worry. There are plenty of design specialists on sites like fiverr.com that can help you find that perfect logo.

Targeted Facebook Ads

Facebook is a more direct form of advertising than traditional online ad methods. Facebook can hyper target ads for an audience that has an interest in the product you have to offer. By having the ability to show your ad for an ideal customer, rather than someone who has no desire to join a fitness program, you save a lot of time and money.

Local Press

If you want to promote your gym using traditional television ads, contact your local cable news affiliate. Offer to train the anchors on live TV and share actionable tips for the community. You can pitch your facility by offering “one time” specials to viewers as well as sharing other relevant social media sites.

Reviews and Success Stories

Word of mouth is still one of the best ways to obtain new gym clientele. Think about this: if you have a co-worker or friend that encourages you to try something they love, you are more likely to try it. The same goes for your gym. Offer incentives such as a free class or a free month membership for writing an honest review on sites such as Google Reviews or Yelp.

Free Trial

This is by far the best way to generate business for a gym. Attach free trial coupons to flyers, brochures, local newspapers and magazines, mail-outs and coupon booklets. Let them bring a friend for free. Many would-be members are fearful about value and the intensity of the fitness environment, they simply won’t even try. A free trial will get them in the door to see what you have to offer in a low pressure setting.

For more information on how we can help you obtain more business, please contact us

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