3 Ways a Fitness Club Consultant Can Help Your Existing Club

New business owners often turn to consultants to help them get their business off the ground, and for good reason. Consultants can help move a business idea from a dream to reality by providing expert advice on everything ranging from a business plan to opening day. But what if you already have an operating business? Here are three ways a fitness club consultant can benefit your existing health club:

1. Marketing

You might have had a boon in business when you opened, but over the years traffic can wane. Hiring a fitness club consultant to help you market your business through direct mail, contests and promotions, and loyalty programs including promotional travel certificates can boost your revenue and get you those new clients you need to stay on top. In addition to helping you market your gym, a fitness club consultant can help you navigate and purchase prize insurance to protect your business while you give away huge prizes to your clients.

2. Lower energy costs

Every business can stand to save some money, and we’re sure your fitness club isn’t an exception. A fitness club consultant can help you save money on energy costs. For instance, Fitness Management and Consulting has partnered with one of the leading national energy retailers to provide a savings to health clubs in several states. Even if your state is not currently eligible to work with this provider and get up to 25% savings each month, we still have the most up-to-date technological platform available to find the best energy rates in your market.

3. Website design and maintenance

Depending on how long you’ve been running your gym, your website might be out of date or even non-existent. Any business in today’s world needs an informative, eye-catching website to draw new clients in and keep current clients informed about what’s going on in your club. If you don’t have experience designing a website and/or if you find that you just don’t have the time to maintain one, then hire a fitness club consultant to do the work for you. Your website will be vibrant, and your consultant will work with you to develop marketing promotions through your website, including a free guest pass for visitors.

Are you ready to take your existing fitness club to the next level of success? Find out how a fitness club consultant can benefit your club by contacting us today.

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