Webcast Invitation from Fitness Management & Consulting and jimthomasondemand.com

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Webcast Invitation from Fitness Management & Consulting and jimthomasondemand.com

Would you like to take your sales production to the next level?  Our free webcast series “The Perfect Membership Sales Process – How to Double Your Sales Production” will help your team take immediate action. Register here:

Date: May 22, 2015 Time: 2 PM Eastern/1 PM Central/ 11 AM Pacific

In this webcast you team will learn;

How to Handle a Proper Greeting

Evaluation and the Importance of the Powerful Why

The Tour and Why you Sell Benefits and not Features

Analysis and Helping the Customer Understand What They Need to Do

Presentation of the Membership with all the Do’s and Don’ts

The Close and the trouble spots many salespeople face

Bonus Tips to Help Double Sales

This webcast will help put a spark in the veterans and help jump-start your new hires.  Q&A will be available on the webcast.

The webcast is free.

Just say “yes” and we’ll make plans to get you on our schedule. Click here to register:

Thank you.

Jim Thomas

P.S. If you can’t wait for the webcast, please check out jimthomasondemand.com for over 600 training modules that you can access at anytime at your convenience.


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