Sometimes it feels really good to complain, and there is just a bit to complain about when it comes to marketing for fitness. But all the complaining in the world won’t fix things; that’s why we’ve identified the three most frustrating parts of this aspect of marketing for fitness professionals and entrepreneurs. Try these solutions to help you deal with them.
- It’s a long game. When developing your fitness marketing plan, the end game never really arrives. As a business owner or consultant in the fitness industry, you constantly adapt to evolving health science as well as the tastes and interests of potential customers and clients. It can be a bit overwhelming, but the constant change and evolution within the fitness market also makes it a vibrant and exciting business sector. Manage this marketing for fitness challenge by developing key strategic goals and actively anticipating the needs of your customers and clients.
- You promote year round, but the sector is subject to significant seasonal influences. As a health and fitness professional you know wellness needs to be a year round pursuit. Unfortunately, most people find their way into the gym to fulfill New Year resolutions in January and drift away from the gym by March of the same year. The next heavy round of participation occurs in the spring and early summer as people prepare to shed their winter layers of clothing and enjoy summer beach vacations. Manage this marketing for fitness challenge by offering life event related promotions, weddings, pre and post childbirth, milestone birthdays and more.
- Marketing great services, customer care, and products is not enough. Your business also needs to offer a social infrastructure which lends itself to community building via social media and special events. Social media platforms form an integral part of successful marketing strategies. Manage this marketing for fitness challenge by seeking support and assistance from experts in this area of marketing to manage this crucial, but time-consuming aspect of marketing.
To talk more about this, or your other aspects of fitness management and consulting, please Contact Us.