To operate a profitable gym, an owner must wear two hats. He must be both a facility manager and a sales manager. As happens in our business, owners seem to spend more time solving operational problems rather than planning marketing and implementing sales systems.
Everyone in the fitness industry knows that with busier month’s ahead, it will soon be the busiest time of year for membership sales (hopefully). More traffic should mean more membership sales and more revenue. Or, it could mean more wasted opportunities.
Our seminars may be a training session to motivate and open the eyes of a well-trained staff. It may be as involved as designing an entire outline on procedures. Every step of the process is important and requires specific skills, tools and techniques to properly complete.
Contact us now or text 214-629-7223 to maximize your peak season opportunity! #gymowners #fitness #martialarts #kravmaga#crossfit #cryotherapy #kickboxing #mma