Jim Thomas Fitness Management and Consulting: Helping Those Who Help Others

By Elisha Neubauer

Launching a gym can be daunting. You don’t know where to start, what you’ll need, or even what licenses and insurances you may need to legally operate. For those in the market to open their own gym, Jim Thomas Fitness Management and Consulting is there to help you through.

Based in Flower Mound, Texas, Jim Thomas Fitness Management and Consulting is a results oriented company solely focused on the health and fitness industry. They help guide new gym owners through the process of getting started and established, lending a hand where it is needed the most.

“In short, we help new gym owners know what they don’t know,” Jim Thomas, owner, said. “We’ll help them shorten the learning curve and maximize bottom line profitability.”

Jim ThomasThe company aids new start-ups with business planning, budgets, real estate site selection, lease negotiation, and complete gym operation. This includes pre-sales, grand opening, sales, marketing, and all preferred vendors.

In addition to helping with the start-up process, the company also offers services to existing gym owners. These services help to improve business through a range of methods, including high impact direct mail, website design and internet marketing, and programming. The company also hosts its own brokerage service for those looking to buy or sell an established gym.

“The best part about what we do is helping gym owners accomplish their dream of owning their own business,” Thomas said.

When it comes to operating a gym, the difficulties don’t stop after you open the doors. In fact, the hardest part of running a gym, according to Thomas, is the obscurity that can occur.

“Nobody knows who they are and those that do aren’t thinking of them,” Thomas said. “Far too many gym owners only do one or two things to attract attention to their business, but they need to be taking massive action in marketing so that everywhere the customer turns, they see you.​”

To help this process, Jim Thomas Fitness Management and Consulting provides the tools that will help gym owners to get attention.

“We provide a proven program to help gym owners to get the phone to ring, the door to swing and the email to ding,” he said.


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