Importance of Hiring the Right Person For Your Gym Business

Knowing how to hire the best candidate is important for growing your business. Hiring the right people for business growth is essential because they are at the front of customer service, which means they are the people that give an excellent first impression to clients.

Tips For Finding the Right Person

The difference between growth versus quality is crucial when hiring the right people for business growth. Sure, you want to employ people, so you have the help you need for your business to grow. However, quality is just as important as numbers in your business.

You may have enough employees to staff your business, but are they quality members? Do they give the best customer service possible for your clients? Are they knowledgeable of your products and services to be armed with the tools necessary to serve your clients to the highest potential?

A client’s first experience with your business starts with your customer service employees. Customers see customer service associates at the front of a brick-and-mortar store, and associates are the first people that clients talk to on a phone call.

How your customer service representatives talk to and treat your clients will put a lasting impression on them as to whether they will continue to support your business or not. You can be a great owner and love putting your clients first, but if your employees are not doing the same, then customers will still believe that your business does not have quality customer service.

Here are things to consider when hiring an employee:

  • Years of experience in the field.
  • Personality traits of courtesy, helpfulness, critical thinking, and others.
  • Flexibility to fulfill different responsibilities in their role.
  • Ability to interact and socialize with customers.

How Do You Know If You Hired the Right Person?

You will know when you have hired the right person for the right job. They will show up on time to work daily. They will excel above and beyond to fulfill their duties besides what’s in their job description.

How to Establish Effective Hiring Strategies to Grow Your Business

Here is how to hire the right person:

  • Choose interviewees with the most thorough and carefully-worded resumes.
  • Listen to how the person talks. If they are upbeat with a smile on their face, that is a great sign.
  • Evaluate their professional background. Do their past work experiences and personality match with your available job?
  • Put yourself in the customer’s shoes. Would you be amazed at the interviewee’s customer service skills (as you evaluate the proficiency in which they are answering the questions) if you were a client shopping in your business?

Final Thoughts

Even as you continue hiring the right people for business growth, think about your retirement plan. As a small business owner, you have worked hard to grow an entity that is all yours. Don’t forget to reward yourself for your hard work by choosing a quality retirement plan.

Now that you know the importance of hiring the right person, it’s time to start hiring your game-changing team members! Post your job on different job board websites such as Monster and Indeed to get started screening new candidates today!

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An Outsourced CEO and expert witness, Jim Thomas is the founder and president of Fitness Management USA Inc., a management consulting, turnaround and brokerage firm specializing in the gym and sports industry. With more than 25 years of experience owning, operating and managing clubs of all sizes, Thomas lectures and delivers seminars, webinars and workshops across the globe on the practical skills required to successfully overcome obscurity, improve sales, build teamwork and market fitness programs and products. Visit his Web site at: or

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