How To Stay In Financial Shape As A Fitness Club Owner

With the media’s focus on obesity, could society’s obsession with fitness and health be far behind? That sound you hear is business opportunity knocking at the door. Like any business, success awaits some. If you own a fitness club, you know that. However, unless you’re a business dynamo, a fitness club consultant is vital to avoid “red ink”. As a premiere consultant we offer:

Effective direct mail programs: A necessary tool for drawing customers.

Website design and internet marketing: It would be naive to ignore the wisdom of an online presence, and the ongoing promotion of that presence, for the optimum strength of your fitness club. For us, dominant Web presence is no sweat.

Equipment purchase or lease insight: This weighs in as possibly the most crucial category of expenditures you deal with as an owner. Consulting a veteran in the fitness club business lessens the stress of operating in a very competitive business. Wise equipment choices don’t cost you money, they make you money!

CPR and AED guidance: These 6 letters mean life and death to your customers and you, literally and financially. As a cutting-edge fitness business leader, we know the value of preparing for a rare but real health crisis. If a customer needs help now, you’re ready with life-saving tools.

Payroll management: All employers must wade through the stack of papers connected to employees. We’ve been there, done that, and still do.

Expertise when selling your fitness club. For reasons good or sad, if/when the time comes to sell, our input, backed by experience, makes your exit profitable.

Our many services aren’t all listed here, so contact us today. We’d like our consulting firm to “join your club”. It will be a perfect fit!

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