You have scouted your location, crafted a business plan that knocked your investors’ socks off, found the equipment you feel comfortable with, and lined up an impressive group of potential employees. Your excitement level is running high. You cannot wait to open your doors to let clients stream in for membership sign-ups. And then you realize you are missing one essential thing. How are you planning to let your target audience know when it is time to come in? This is where fitness center advertising saves the day.
But what does a new gym to do to be highly visible right away? The truth is that you must start advertising long before opening day. Once upon a time putting an ad in the local newspaper was sufficient to alert the general population of your presence. But when is the last time you sat down and read the ads in your local newspaper?
People today are more likely to turn to the internet for information. So, how can you use the internet to best effect? One of the most effective strategies is to create a website that gives your potential members the information they are most interested in finding out with the click of a mouse.
What are some of the things you need to include on your website? Obviously, your location, phone number and hours of operation must be clearly defined. Prospective members need to know whether their exercise schedule fits with your operating hours.
Also, a list of available equipment and an enthusiasm-building tour of your facility via pictures or video is of interest to someone looking for a new gym. Many people feel uncomfortable walking into a new facility for the first time, and taking a virtual tour of your place in the comfort of their homes is an appealing option.
Additionally, a listing of any classes that you will offer, or special promotions that you will offer for sign-up should be prominently displayed on your site. Other special features such as play centers for kids or a smoothie bar where your clients can get healthy protein shakes or water can be of interest. Play up your strengths and the things that distinguish you from any competitors in the marketplace.
Perhaps the most effective use of the website is incorporating a sign-up feature for new members. Since more and more people are turning to shopping online, many are comfortable with making payments for services online as well. Offering this option is also effective because it makes the most of a prospect’s impulse to buy. Think about it. If a person is looking at your website, it is likely that at that moment, he/she is considering using your facility. Striking when the iron is hot is always a good option. If you make it easy for the client to sign up “right now”, it is much more likely that they will do so.
Of course, a well-designed website takes some expertise, and is only one part of a gym’s successful presence on the Web. If you would like more information about how to stand out on the Web and in social media, please contact us. With our experience in premium marketing strategy, we can help you get the word out about your new gym and bring the right clients to your doors.