Blogging Ideas to Boost Fitness Club Sales

It is kind of surprising that there are still fitness clubs that do not have an active blog. In today’s social media environment, blogging is essential for attracting potential members. Regardless of how well your website is designed, an active blog is often the difference between 10 website visitors a day, and 500 visitors per day. Is that something you could use in your situation?

Ultimately, every blog entry creates a new web page and a new opportunity for a future member to find you. The typical business website will have 5-10 web pages, maybe even a few more depending on the design. While this may sell a prospect that is ready to buy a fitness club membership today, it is likely not enough to get the person to your website in the first place. Every blog post is a new page for the search engines to index, for visitors to share on social media, and for other websites to reference and link back.

While you can provide the same, generic information that so many other fitness clubs produce, in order to stand out you must create content that is uniquely valuable to your ideal fitness club member. While some of this may include the standard “How to Burn More Calories” articles, you must branch out with fresh and relevant content, and treat blogging as a creative work. With this in mind, here are some great blogging ideas to boost fitness club sales.

Blogging Ideas for Fitness Clubs

  1. Why you became a fitness professional and opened your club.
  2. Expose the bad advice or praise the good advice of a celebrity trainer.
  3. Share information about a successful fitness club event, consider adding photos or a video.
  4. Recommend a local restaurant and talk about your favorite menu item as a cheat meal.
  5. Demonstrate the use of a funny piece of fitness equipment.
  6. Write about a local charity or cause that your fitness club supports.
  7. Share healthy recipe versions of local or regional favorite foods.
  8. Answer real customer questions. If one person asked, there are many who wonder silently.
  9. Share behind the scenes stuff, such as celebrating an employee’s birthday or a baby shower.
  10. Review other local (non-competing) health and fitness businesses.

What haven’t we covered yet that is important to you? If you like to talk about blogging ideas to boost fitness club sales, or a related topic, please contact us.

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