Whether you’re just starting out or have owned your gym for years, you can always find ways to boost your fitness club’s sales. Here are some ideas to keep in mind to increase sales and improve your clients’ experience:
It’s not all membership sales
Yes, memberships are important and are the backbone of your fitness club. But how can you increase the sales of people who are already members? Think about additional services you can provide for the clients you already have. For instance, offer discounted personal training sessions to members, offer a discounted price for members to bring a friend, and/or sell fitness gear and clothes inside your gym.
Pay-per-class versus memberships
A lot of people are nervous about signing on to a gym membership because they aren’t sure that they will use the gym. Get these people in the door by offering them the option to pay for classes rather than investing in a full membership. This is a great way to get people in the door so they can see everything the gym has to offer, but they don’t feel pressured to sign a contract. Once they have attended some sessions, chances are they will be hooked and will realize that it is more beneficial for them to sign on to a membership than to keep paying for each class they attend.
Partner up
Find a local business that you can partner up with to promote each other. For instance, as a local gym you are attracting clients who are interested in fitness as well as their overall health. Therefore, you can partner with your local health food store or nutrition consulting firm. How it works is your gym hands out coupons/offers for your partner, and they return the favor. The benefits are two-fold. You gain business from people who might have otherwise not heard of your gym, and you also become more of a fixture in the community through name exposure. In addition, you help another local business.
These are general ideas that will need to be tweaked for your particular gym, which is exactly where Fitness Management & Consulting comes in. Our consultants will work with your fitness club specifically to determine the best ways to increase sales based on your market and club. To get started, contact us today.