Pinterest is widely known as a forum for sharing images of DIY projects, crafts, and recipes. It is increasingly becoming a platform of visual marketing for businesses, and it is a valuable tool in the marketing of fitness centers. Most fitness centers are on Facebook and Twitter, but Pinterest can add a visual element to your marketing portfolio as well as expand your reach on social media. If you’re not on Pinterest yet, read on for ideas and get ready to start pinning!
Pinterest users create boards to organize the images they share with followers. As you upload images, and navigate the internet, you can “pin” items you feel would be relevant and of interest to clients and potential clients. In addition to connecting with your members, you’ll reach even more people when one of your followers “re-pins” one of your pins.
Most fitness centers have many employees in a variety of functions that members may not even know about. A class devotee may know nothing about the gym, and the heavy weight trainer may not know how yoga or Pilates can be beneficial to a weight training regimen. Create a board highlighting your staff, what they do, their training, and anything else you may want to add.
Lack of time is a common complaint regarding healthy eating! Devote a board to pinning healthy and easy recipes, and tips for incorporating clean eating into a busy life.
Run Pinterest challenges. Challenge members to workout more and pin a picture of themselves checking into the club each visit for a month. Have a recipe contest where members can pin their favorite healthy meal. Each time they pin an entry they’ll hash tag your facility to qualify.
Pin club news and promos to another board. Did you add a new class? Pin a picture of the launch. Invested in a new piece of equipment? Pin that too!
Have a member spotlight board. It’s a great way for members to share they’re successes and inspire other members!
We would love to help you market your fitness center. Please contact us today!