Gyms for Sale

Have you made the decision to sell your gym. This is a critical moment in your business cycle and we want to help you receive top offers. We understand that the sale is more than a transfer of assets and we will help you maximize the profits from your exit. We have over 30 Years of experience in the health & wellness industry and we know what buyers want. Contact us today! or 800-929-2898. #gymbroker #healthclubbroker #businessbroker #gymowners #fitness #mma#crossfit #kickboxing
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Health Club, Fitness Center and Gym for Sale Broker

A health club broker is a professional business intermediary brokerage organization specializing in Health Clubs for sale. They perform business evaluations, Mergers and Acquisitions serving Texas, and represent clients on a nationwide basis in both the small closely held business up through the large private and corporate holdings. Email us today with details on your club. When is it Time to Sell? Owner’s of Health Clubs all reach a point in the history of their enterprise when it is time to “hang it up.” Many factors will tell you when it is time: Owner’s “burn out” Owner’s or key employee’s health problems Business relocation or rerouting of expressways Lease expires and you do not want to renew for another term Changing technology Get estate in order Not interested in investing long-term capital Children do not want to enter family business Under-capitalized Largest accounts in financial difficulty Bank unwilling to renew credit lines Supplier…
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Owning a Gym – From Dream to Reality

Is owning a Gym or Fitness Center in Your Future? At one time or another, nearly every gym employee dreams of owning a gym. Perhaps you’re tired of all your hard work ending up helping someone else achieve his or her entrepreneurial success, or you may fear for losing your job in a weakened economy. Whatever your motivation, the compulsion to own a gym is strong in many of us. But the risk involved in turning that dream into reality has, all too often, acted to derail even the best-laid plans. How to Own a Gym Every prospective gym owner is forced to wrestle with many different kinds of questions. Concerns about money certainly lead the pack, but knowing what kind of gym best suits you is even more important. The best place to start is by examining the reasons why you want to own a gym. Here are some benefits to consider: Take advantage of all those years of work experience for your own benefit, not for the sake of others. A flexible schedule allows you to spend more…
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Will You Succeed in the Gym Business?

The one trait the majority of all millionaires have in common is that they owned their own business. Every year thousands of people attempt to follow in their footsteps and start their own gym. There are certain things you can do that will let you succeed at your own gym business. Here are the skills sets that successful gym owners say are critical to have if you want to succeed. Defined Goals The one thing that separates successful gym’s from failures is planning. If you want to succeed then you need to have a well-defined plan. This plan should be in writing and it should include step-by-step directions. This plan will be your roadmap that shows the best and quickest way for you company to gain profitability. All actions taken should be measured against your goals to see if they are driving you one step closer to success. Not having a plan is the quickest way to failure. Initiative The hardest part of starting a new gym is taking that first step. You have to have the …
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