With the holiday season rapidly approaching, you might be looking for new fitness club marketing ideas that can help you bring more business through the door during the winter months. Luckily, there are lots of ways that you can promote your gym during the winter. Try these ideas to bring in more sign-ups than you might have had all year long!
Amp Up Merchandise Selections
Do you sell merchandise in your gym, such as workout clothing and duffle bags? If so, now is the time to amp up your selection and make sure that you keep plenty of hand. You never know when people might be looking for holiday gifts when they stop in for a workout!
Encourage the Gift of Good Health
Now is a great time to offer promotions to help encourage members to purchase additional gym packages to give as gifts to friends and family members. Consider offering special deals for current members who buy gift memberships, or offer a discount for those who purchase multiple gift memberships at one time. You can also offer gift cards, paid personal training sessions and more as gifts.
Get Festive
Consider decorating your gym’s storefront and the inside of the gym with holiday decorations, and add seasonal decorations to any billboards or other advertising.
Focus on Good Health During the Holiday Season
So many people pack on the pounds during the holiday season. Promoting healthy eating and working out during this food and drink-heavy time of the year is a great way to encourage people to come through the door.
As you can see, there are plenty of ways that you can market your gym during the holiday season. If you would like more advice for marketing your gym, contact us at Fitness Management and Consulting today!