Everything to Know About POS Financing for Your Gym

What is a POS Purchase? Point-of-sale, or POS, refers to the moment a customer purchases your product. A point-of-sale purchase is any transaction. “Point” refers to a location. The point-of-sale is the transaction event itself, while the point of purchase refers to the checkout area. A point-of-purchase strategy entails finding ways to entice customers to make a higher dollar purchase before the point-of-sale or checkout occurs. Not only does POS financing enable point-of-sale transactions, but it also encourages the customer to spend more. What is POS Financing? Point-of-sale (POS) financing is a closed-end credit solution. Like a credit card, it allows the customer to buy now and pay later. But unlike a credit card, the line of credit ends as soon as the customer pays back the agreed-upon amount. POS financing is a solution for high-dollar transactions like personal training that consumers would otherwise not be able to afford or would charge to a credit card. Yo…
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